Our clinics

We offer affordable, high-quality, welcoming and reliable sexual and reproductive health services in 11 clinics across Tanzania.


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Creating a safe and welcoming space for our clients

Our 9 clinics are designed to be comfortable, non-intimidating environments where women, men and young people can get information about their reproductive choices and access high quality services.

It starts with accessibility. We make sure our clinics are located in places that are safe, convenient, easy to find and well served by public transport. We also ensure that our clinics are open at times that work best for people living locally.

Warm, approachable and reassuring

We want our clients to feel relaxed and supported when they visit us.

We strive to deliver this through creating a calm and inviting environment, developing a professional and passionate team and offering services that meet the highest clinical standards.

We find that this combination helps us meet our global standards of clinical excellence. We also offer a welcoming environment that can lead to quicker recovery times and, most importantly, shows how much we care about our clients.

What you can always expect

Our clinics are staffed by teams of qualified and passionate professionals, who always put the client first.

We are committed to providing the best possible care for every client who walks through our doors and have rigorous standards for cleanliness, décor and maintenance. This is not just for medical and safety reasons but because it shows our clients just how important they are to us. As with all our services, the quality of care on offer in our clinics is constantly monitored to ensure it meets our global standards of clinical excellence.

Our 11 clinics in Tanzania

Our clinics receive and treat all clients equally.

We offer health insurance coverage for workers and also help paying individuals in urban and peri-urban areas.

Depending on where you visit us, all our clinics are open Monday to Friday, and for half a day during weekends and some public holidays, except the Mwenge hospital in Dar es Salaam which serves clients for 24 hours.

We also provide detailed information on how to find us. If you have booked an appointment and have any difficulty finding us, our friendly client care staff are always available to help direct you.

Other ways to access our services

We also offer products and services through our mobile outreach teams, Bajaj outreach teams and the social marketing products we distribute throughout Tanzania.


Mobile outreach

Our mobile outreach teams serve clients in remote rural areas in every region of Tanzania.

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Bajaj outreach

We also have Bajaj mobile outreach teams – nurses in auto-rickshaws – who deliver sexual and reproductive health services across urban settings.


Social marketing

We promote and market our registered products in different parts of Tanzania.